Tuesday 13 August 2013

The Picture Post!

Here are a few pictures of our trip so far in no particular order.  

Some deliciousness at "Snack Street".

We were warned against eating "street food".  It was GOOD!

Family of 4 at Temple of Heaven

The Great Wall - Before.  
On one of the old cannons on top of the GW
Live from the Great Wall of China!!!

First meeting - I think he thought he was just socializing with some nice people with snacks

The boys at Jinan City River

The kids and I with our guide, Missy.  We LOVE her. 

The boys in the paw of a giant tiger statue
First night.  Peanut decided the only safe place in the room was this window sill.  
He finally let me undress him and rub his back.  I would like to say he was relaxing a bit, but I think he was just exhausted.  
Peanut's caretaker 
Gotta love Wal-Mart and Coke

A good sign that he is happy to sit in the ergo with me.  

Dumping water on each other's heads - best part of bath time  
 Our first moments with Peanut. He really loves that little cup!
Things are continuing to go well.  He likes the ergo and the stroller and seems to like his brother pretty well.  He went to bed without tears tonight, but he was a little sad when we put him down.  He's eating fairly well and playing and is happy to have me do "mommy things" for him....the first few times I tried to take off his shoes and change his clothes, he did not want to let me, but he's warmed up to me pretty well.  He likes playing with Sissy and he's usually equally happy to have Hubs hold him.  As with Doodlebug, he does not seem to have a clear preference for either parent and seems content to have both of us take care of him.  He really likes our guide, Missy, but he's not tried to get her to hold him as much today...I can tell he does like the fact that she can communicate with him and understand him. 
We're getting in bed at a decent hour tonight, for the first time.  We're just hanging out in Jinan another 2 and a half days, waiting for Peanut's Chinese passport to be processed.  More to follow!  


Momcat said...

How exciting!! The boys look soo cute together in the tub, mine still do that at 8,6 & 4 and have a blast but, it does require lots of bubbles. Hugs and kisses to you all.

Our Family said...

Love the posts and pictures! He is a cutie! Thinking about you guys daily and praying for smooth transitions.

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