Thursday 15 August 2013

4 Days With Peanut

As Thursday draws to a close, I reflect on the fact that as of tonight, we have put our little peanut  to bed 5 times now.  We have spent four full days with him.  He is adjusting well.  He is a tiny little thing but he has a lot of energy!  He's a pretty tough cookie and seems to be relatively easy going.  He speaks Chinese to the housekeepers and to our guide, but with us, he just points, grunts and squeals to indicate what he does/doesn't want. 

He likes his brother and LOVES playing with his sister.  He really enjoys going out and riding in his stroller.  He doesn't seem super duper interested in the TV but he bounces around a lot when there are shows on with music & dancing.  He seems to have a relatively cheerful will be neat to see his personality unfold as he becomes more comfortable with us...he's still got his guard up and I'm not sure if he 100 percent understands that I'm his mommy.  Sissy and Missy, our Jinan guide, have been really hands off and let me do all of the caretaking tasks, which is hopefully going to reinforce that I'm the one who provides food, comfort, etc. 

He loves the bathtub and loves tickling everyone. I've taught him a couple of childrens games/songs and he's picking things up pretty fast.  He repeats words we say in English and he's already gotten the meaning of "no" down.  I told him to do something today and he quickly gave me the "no" right back.  He says "thank you" in Chinese when you give him something and if he gets food or a treat, he always indicates that he wants to give Doodlebug some as well.  The sharing is not really reciprocated, I have to say...Doodlebug does love his brother and they're very cute together, but there has been a lot of "MINE" going on here today. 

Here are some pictures - we are just hanging out in Jinan waiting on paperwork.  We fly to Guangzhou tomorrow evening to complete all of our US paperwork.  According to the People's Republic of China, Wu Cheng Jin is our legal son...we just have to complete the US Consulate requirements and some cursory medical stuff down in Southern China.  Enjoy the pictures!

Peanut fell asleep in the stroller while we were waiting for Hubs to exchange money at the bank next door.  Doodles was patting his head.  It was pretty cute.  They are so funny in the stroller.  Doodles is adamant that the back seat is his.  What will happen when he's challenged?  I'm sure that day is coming.   

Feeding some pigeons with our guide. 


Zack has been having a lot of "mommy moments"...which is not typical. 


All of our Chinese paperwork has been checked, rechecked and we are ALL DONE IN JINAN!

They REALLY liked this rocking horse teeter totter thing.  I was not popular when I made them get off to go eat lunch


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