Friday 6 December 2013

A conversation with Doodlebug

Last night, I was poking through the fridge and saw my mostly empty tub of Country Crock.  I had just been to the grocery store and had, of course, forgotten to buy one of the things I’d actually gone in to buy.  Doodlebug was finishing his dinner.  DAWDLEbug might be more apt...he is a pokey eater. 

Me:  Crap, I forgot to buy the butter.  What am I going to do?
DB:  You go to the store and buy more (looking at me like…well, duh, mom.)
Me:  (both taken by the length and clarity of the sentence and amused at his matter of fact answer) Why don’t you go to the store and get butter, Zack?
DB:  You do it mommy, I can’t do it.
Me:  Why can’t you do it, honeybun?

DB:  Because I said so.(He hears this ALOT).

I thought the exchange was funny and frankly, I was impressed by how far he’s come with language.  When Hubs came back in to the kitchen, we did a little instant replay.  Doodlebug knew I was putting him in "show pony mode" and gave me an indulgent little grin as if to say, “whatever, mom.  I’ll play along”. 
When I asked “why can’t you go to the store honeybun?” his answer was this:
“Because I said so.” And, after a reproachful little pause...“Two times, now”. 
Doodlebug is three years and five months old.  He d has been home from China for 15 months (where he lived until he was 26 months hearing not a lick of English).  He is a smart boy, to be sure, but the resiliency and adaptability of these kids is something I am continually in awe of.  The strides he and Peanut have both made in their development in such a short span of time is something that never stops amazing me.  Of course, it could be that my kids are just really that smart. 

Off to buy the butter.   


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