Thursday 12 July 2012


”How much longer”?

I have decided that we are traveling on August 23, so that is what I have started telling everyone.  I just need the paperwork to fall in line with this, and honestly, at this point, expectation of going wheels up on this date isn’t unreasonable.  Right now, we are waiting on the U.S. to complete their processing of Doodlebug’s visa to enter the United States.  Once the State Department says “China, we’re done”, that tells China that they can issue the “Family, come visit our country and make sure you exit with this particular child” paperwork.  That is an overly simplified version, but that is what is going on.  Our “Article 5” – this is what the visa paperwork is called (do not ask me why)is picked up, then we get in line for the “Travel Approval” wait.  Our Art 5 will be picked up on 18 July, this we know for sure.  TA takes up to 3 weeks, although most families are getting theirs a little quicker right now.  Once we get TA, our adoption agency will secure for us a CA – consulate appointment.  This is the appointment we have with the U.S. authorities in Guangzhou (gwan/joe) China at the end of our adoption trip and this is what triggers all other travel arrangements.  Clear as mud?  I thought so.  So, lots of moving parts, but things are fairly predictable from this point on. 
I don’t mind answering the “how long” question, but the answer is long!!!  And hard to understand!  It makes perfect sense to me…I could recite the entire IA process to you in my sleep, but hey…I am a pro at this now. 
Doodlebug has officially entered the terrible two’s now.  I had really hoped we’d have him home for his birthday, so we could have at least been a small part of his “one year old years”.  He was 17 months old when we received our PA – AKA green light from China to adopt.  The referral pictures we saw were of Doodlebug at about one year or so.  It has been a blessing and a curse to watch our boy grow up in pictures and we are very excited to be the ones taking the pictures very soon!  And we will be!  We received our travel visas today...not to be confused with his  visa to enter the U.S. (see above).
I've also attached some pictures of Doodlebug's "birthday party".  He is thriving and growing.  We are not sure whether or not he has been moved back to the orphanage or not.  Most of the children in Shanxi province are in foster homes/group homes.  They are transitioned back to the orphanage about a month prior to the adoption in order to ease their transition to their new family.  We are not able to tell what the deal is from the pictures...but he is healthy and seems relatively happy.  The report says he's not receiving any special care for his "disability" but his hand appears to be growing with the rest of his body, which is good.  He is described as "sometimes obstinate" and he seems to have a sweet tooth.  His caretakers say his favorite foods are fruit and sweets.  He cries when he is sleepy and when he is cranky, his caretaker cuddles with him or takes him outside.  He should fit in well around here. 

               Hello Birthday Boy!
         I wonder what he thinks about all of this?
      The other kids look so excited for the treat!
King of Cake
                                                          Every time they send us pictures, they make him hold out his little hand for inspection.  Ugh. 
Enough with the picture taking, ladies. 

So…how long?  Not much longer.  Trust me…if you’re anywhere near my friends list, share my DNA or family tree or in my zip code…you will know when I know something more.  But thank you for asking about Doodlebug…it really does mean the world that people are interested and happy for us.


Dawn said...

We are on the exact same time line as you and I too for the first time ever spoke the words out loud that we are leaving on the 23rd!!! I think with 2 of us saying it, it will have to be true right???!!!

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