Saturday 1 February 2014

Jill's Top Ten Reasons to Adopt a Toddler

I used to really love David Letterman's Top Ten lists.  Yes, I know I am dating myself, but that's OK.  In reflecting on how much my life has changed since we opened our hearts and minds to bringing these two little dudes in to our family, I've put together my own Top Ten list. 

"Older child" adoption is a little hard for some people to get their heads around, I guess.  Most people can identify with infant adoption, but families who adopt toddlers and up are often a curiosity.  I've tried to capture the very best aspects of our choice...some of it is humorous, some of it is really from my heart.  So, here we go, people:

-- Because it adds a little something to  your day when someone claps for you because you went number one in the potty

-- Because experiencing an endless array of firsts through their eyes is priceless – first visit to the zoo, first ice cream cone, first grilled cheese and tomato soup, first game of Angry Birds, first train ride…the list goes on. 

-- Because it is really fun to have a “secret language” with your spouse.  Right now, we’re taking advantage of the fact that they can’t decipher the spell code we’ve got going on.  Our tots are blissfully unaware of the true meanings of c-o-o-k-i-e and
b-e-d unless we want to clue them in.  Eventually, we’ll have to switch to Pig Latin, but I think we have a few years. 

--Because sleeping past 7AM is completely over-rated.  

--Because you learn to cherish the present.  You’ll never get back the time in your child’s life before you became his/her family, but the time you didn’t get makes the time you do get all the more precious.

--Because you can watch all of the Disney cartoons you want without people judging you. 

-- Because the capacity you have for love and wonderment will amaze you. 

-- Because you will get really (really, really, really) good at doing laundry. 

-- Because adoption – any adoption – is a gift.  Most people think the lucky ones are the children.  Most parents who have adopted toddlers believe they are outrageously lucky. 

And the top ten reason to adopt a toddler is…

-- A child who could have grown up without a forever family doesn’t. 

And just because I can, here are two reasons that I have an eleventh reason for why adopting a toddler totally rocks - because yes, people...they are just that cute. 




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